Dentists’ Oral Hygiene Tips


Dentists advise us to brush our teeth three times a day and not to eat too much sweet food. What about dentists’ secrets of oral hygiene?

Cheese instead of fruit

If you are used to snacking on fruit during the day, it can damage your teeth, because these foods contain fructose – a variety of sugar. Bacteria need sugar to multiply. Under its influence, they produce acid destroying tooth enamel. Even a cup of tea can be harmful to the teeth if you add sugar in it. People who cannot do without snacks should choose cheese. It increases the production of saliva neutralizing sugar.

Never rinse after cleaning

Many of us rinse their mouth after brushing the teeth, but this, in fact, leads to dental caries. The reason for using fluoride toothpaste is that fluorine remains on teeth surface strengthening them. It is necessary to carefully brush your teeth, rubbing the paste in, and then just spit out the remains of it, without rinsing your mouth.

Strawberries whiten teeth

Strawberries can positively affect your smile, making it a truly Hollywood one. Studies suggest that these soft berries have a whitening effect, since they contain malic acid beneficially affecting tooth color.

Use dental floss every day

Dentists use dental floss several times a day, as it not only helps get rid of food particles between the teeth, but also destroy bacteria. Dental floss contributes to the destruction of the biofilm – a sticky mass consisting of bacteria. If you do not like flosses, then buy a device called irrigator, which helps to wash the space between the teeth with water under high pressure.

Do not brush your teeth after wine

Some people tend to brush their teeth immediately after drinking red wine to avoid staining, but it, on the contrary, brings harm to the teeth. The wine is very acid, it causes tooth enamel softening. You must wait at least an hour after drinking wine before brushing your teeth.

Brush the tongue

Any dentist knows how important it is not only to clean the teeth, but also the tongue, which may be covered with a film of bacteria causing bad breath and gum disease.

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