How to Hack Your Mental Health

When it comes to your mental health, there are a lot of strategies that are employed in order to make mental health problems easier to deal with. No matter if you suffer from depression, ADHD, anxiety or just want to improve your mental health, there are definitely strategies out there. Let’s take a look at some of the best hacks for dealing with mental health issues and improving your life.


You might think of your failures and dwell on them, but you really shouldn’t. One of the reasons that people obsess about their failures is that they assume that everyone else knows about them to and judges them for those failures. The truth is that most people do not notice the flaws and perceived failures that you do. Besides, we are all human beings and make mistakes.

Quality Sleep

You want to make sure that you are getting enough sleep, but the quality of your sleep is also important. Waking up in the middle of the night or sleeping fitfully can have a major effect on your mood. But when you get enough sleep, and you were able to sleep deeply for the entire night, you are better prepared to face the day and much less likely to be anxious or depressed.


When you smile at other people, it is not only going to boost your mood, but it is going to cause others to smile back at you. It is a lot tougher to feel depressed or anxious if you have everyone smiling you. Go out and give it a try. You will be surprised how many people smile back.

Fun Exercise

Exercises are tough to do when you are in the middle of a depressive episode, having anxiety or suffering from another mental health problem. But if you come up with something fun that will get you exercise, then the endorphins that are released from your workout might just solve your mood problem. A good example is the smartphone app Zombies! Run, which has you running from zombies instead of just running.


It has been proven over and over again that pets are really good for people with mental health issues. Petting a cat or a dog can lower anxiety levels, and just having a companion around the house – particularly if you live alone – can help with depression, loneliness, anxiety and much more.

Talent Sharing

Another strategy that you can use is to share your talent with someone. No matter what you do, whether it is drawing, writing or music, think about sharing that talent with someone the next time that you get depressed or anxious.

Peace of Mind

You can also give yourself peace of mind by doing things like getting a medical alert bracelet. Check out these medical alert reviews to find out more about these bracelets.

Daily Habits

Developing good daily habits is another great strategy for hacking your mental health. If you can develop good habits that are putting you on the road to a healthy lifestyle and allowing you to reach your goals, then it is going to be harder for you to become depressed or give into another mental health issue. For example, if you can train yourself to exercise in the morning, meditate or do other activities that promote good mental health, then you will be better off.

Inner Dialog

Finally, make sure that you listen to your internal dialogue and stop it if it starts getting out of control. If you wouldn’t let someone else talk to you that way, then you have to stop your inner dialog from doing it as well.

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