Low Testosterone Levels in Men: Symptoms & Treatment

Every man can hit this sorry time when his sex glands begin to produce fewer sex hormones. It is the situation known as hypogonadism, gonad deficiency or low serum testosterone which can affect mature men, especially those who are past their 40th birthday. Testosterone deficiency develops in more than 8% of men between 50 and 80 and the percentage is noticeably higher with those afflicted by type 2 diabetes.

What Causes Love Testosterone Levels in Men?

Hypogonadism can be caused by two main conditions: testicles no longer able to generate testosterone in necessary quantities (primary hypogonadism) and brain parts related to testicles – the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland – no longer sending them correct signals (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism). Its onset can also be the result of a severe infection or an injury, a surgery or some diseases of the kidney and the liver. Stress and excessive weight are also among the risk factors.

Hypogonadism Symptoms

Gonad deficiency (hypogonadism) affects performance in bed adversely; the erection is not what it used to be, libido is definitely weakened. Pubic hair gets thinner, testes become smaller and softer. Complete infertility may follow. It is known to lead to separation and divorces as the sex drive in relationships begins to run lower and lower.

Other Suspicious Signs

Apart from poorer sexuality, other symptoms include tiredness and difficulty to concentrate, mood swings, the decrease of physical strength, parchment-looking skin. Even the bones grow thinner. It is critical for cognitive abilities and generally reduces life quality.

Hypogonadism Treatment

While the development sounds just too bad, the fact is hypogonadism reacts to treatment. First and foremost, you need to be accurately diagnosed, for most of the symptoms are not indicative. Once you know that gonad deficiency has set in, attempts can be made to restore the testosterone level to normal. Usually, the treatment (different from person to person and utilizing different dosage) involves replacement of testosterone by way of transdermal patches, testosterone pellet implants, application of special gel, and oral tablets.

So a sufferer can justly hope to restore his sexual function and fertility, optimize bone density and normalize growth hormone levels.

How is Hypogonadism Treated?

One of the trustiest methods is intramuscular injections, of course when endorsed by your doctor. It is an effective and easy-to-apply way because you can make injections yourself at home (or any place where it is convenient and private enough). To alleviate the symptoms you can opt for several testosterone delivery systems, like testosterone cypionate (of the class of drugs called androgens) that was found to be an effective treatment for both kinds of hypogonadism.

Testosterone cypionate can cause side effects, so it needs to be employed judiciously with your doctor’s permission and attention for possible adverse conditions resulting from its use.

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