Detecting Cancer Cells Has Become Easier

Specialists from the University of Michigan proposed a new technique for illuminating the tumor during oncology operations. Greater accuracy of surgical intervention facilitates the work of physicians and increases the patient’s chances of recovery.

The technology works in an extremely simple manner: antibodies are coated with the beta-galactosidase enzyme (beta-galactosidase), which is absolutely safe for human health. Antibodies themselves detect and attack cancer cells. Surgeons can only illuminate them – the enzyme is illuminated in the IR range, so it’s relatively easy to work with it. Since the effect of luminescence continues for a long time, oncologists have an excellent opportunity to spend many hours of a surgical operation without additional manipulations to mark neoplasms and metastases.

A couple of years ago, scientists at Oregon State University developed a similar method of identifying cancer cells, which could be destroyed by heating due to the introduction of additional substances. In the next few years, we will learn, if both methods are going to be actively implemented in everyday practice and if they can help reduce the likelihood of relapse.

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