Dropping Just 2.3 Kg Significantly Reduces Breast Cancer Risk


American scientists have discovered that the loss of only two odd kilos reduces breast cancer mortality by two-thirds. Moreover, the most deadly types of the disease are meant here.

It is sufficient to lose only five pounds (2.3 kg), to thereby significantly reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer. Clinical trials involving 2,400 women, who were treated for the disease, showed that in 10 years the death rate in this category of patients significantly reduced if they managed to lose weight.

The study authors called the findings “extraordinarily important.” They claim that the diet is no less effective way of preventing and treating breast cancer than any medication. In the study, the researchers had been watching the women’s health for 20 years after they had completed treatment. The scientists wondered if any change in diet affected the risk of relapse and death.

The women were divided into two groups. In one of the groups, the participants were on a diet low in fat, which helped them to achieve a modest but significant weight loss. If a woman was able to lose at least 2.3 kilograms, the risk of death from breast cancer recurrence reduced. The effect of weight loss was most significant among 20% of women who suffered from breast tumors not associated with hormones. The risk of death from cancer was reduced by 70% in this group.

In this case, the disease is most aggressive and dangerous. This group included patients with triple-negative breast cancer, as well as those who had become victims of the mutated gene BRCA1, which made actress Angelina Jolie go through double mastectomy. Such cancers have the smallest number of treatments and the worst predictions.

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