Modern technologies sometimes work miracles. A medical examination can now be done at home, even without any medical education. Everything you need is a new set for medical diagnostics at home. The main thing to remember is that this device is just a way to detect poor health. For the purpose of diagnosing and prescribing treatment one should consult a doctor.
The modern technological age sets the crazy pace of life. Unfortunately, a lot of people may not have enough time for something very important during the day. The worst point is that people neglect the most important thing – their health – because of lack of time.
Fortunately, modern technology can solve this problem because not so long ago a group of designers created a unique medical kit for home use. Smart gadgets will reveal a wide range of diseases in children and adults.
A new set for a medical examination at home was called CliniCloud Medical Kit. It includes two high-tech items: a super-modern electric thermometer and a stethoscope. Of course, the stethoscope is not a common one; it is an electronic and automated device that is easy to use.
Both devices work in a logical way and are synchronized with a smartphone; a specially installed application allows you to perform smart monitoring of the state of human health. It supports cloud-based data storage, as well as a smart medical reference book, which, thanks to modern technologies, will always be at hand. The data collected by the stethoscope and thermometer can be sent by e-mail to your doctor. The application will send him all the necessary data in the form of convenient and understandable tables with figures and diagrams.
An important feature of the thermometer is also the fact that it is non-contact. The device can measure the temperature without touching the human body. As for the stethoscope, it is very sensitive and perfectly copes with the analysis of the heart and lungs. Both devices meet all European standards of quality and safety.