Olo Is the Future of Blood Diagnostics: Lab Results in 10 Minutes

Sight Diagnostics is a company from Israel that presented a unique device the size of a small desktop printer. Olo performs an accelerated blood test using machine learning technology and computer vision. The study lasted over 4 years. During this time, the device system processed 500 terabytes of data.

Olo is based on the patented technology of “digitizing” images of blood. It uses 2 drops taken from the patient and deposited on a special disposable cartridge. A built-in microscope allows you to take some photos. Next, using built-in algorithms for the recognition of pictures, different cell types are identified and analyzed.

The device will be able to identify and diagnose anemia, infection, several types of cancer in 10 minutes. In addition to taking a sample, everything is performed by Olo independently, so its operator does not need a special qualification. All doctors will be able to use the device right in their office, without sending patients to laboratories and not waiting for results up to several days.

Clinical trials of the device were carried out last year on almost three hundred people. The development of Sight Diagnostics was approved by an Israeli regulator and even received European CE marking. So, Olo also complies with the requirements of EU regulators. Company executives noted that their device will soon be used in the offices of private doctors and in public hospitals throughout Europe. The cost of the portable device, its components (disposable cartridges) and maintenance is not reported.

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