Most people know very well what is deadly dangerous. So, everyone knows exactly that sharks and plane crashes are deadly dangers. But actually the chances that a person will be hit by a car are much higher than dying in a plane crash. Thus, people underestimate real dangers.
1. Simultaneous use of alcohol and paracetamol
These products separately (of course, in moderation), are not really dangerous, but, if you mix them, you will call an ambulance.
2. Fight
Every year many people injured in fights get into hospital. And it is worth remembering that any blow in the face or on the head is a risk to be put behind the bars on charges of manslaughter.
3. Texting while driving
Even the most professional drivers will not have time to react to sudden danger when distracted by texting for a few seconds.
4. Driving
Driving a car is one of the most dangerous things that people do every day. Driving a car is much more dangerous than flying on an airplane.
5. Not seeing a dentist when having toothache
If you do not see a dentist when you suffer toothache and simply take painkillers, there is a risk of developing an infection.
6. Not being vaccinated
One of the reasons why life expectancy has significantly increased in the last 100 years is the fact that there appeared vaccines against the diseases that once ravaged entire countries.
7. Sunburn
Sunbathing dramatically increases the likelihood of skin cancer. Even on a sunbed, the body reacts to ultraviolet radiation, producing more melanin.
8. Deadly cinnamon
Just one teaspoon of cinnamon powder can kill a person. It absorbs all the liquid in the mouth, which can lead to the blockage of the respiratory tract (in fact, it becomes impossible to swallow). Capsaicin, one of the components of cinnamon (also contained in chili peppers) can penetrate into the lungs, which will complicate the situation further.
9. Sitting
If you sit for a long period of time (such as during long flights), this can lead to the formation of blood clots in the legs. These clots can penetrate into the heart, causing a heart attack, or to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism and death.
10. Electrical work
If a person does not have the necessary qualification, they should not mess around with the wiring. Even 220 volts is more than enough to kill a person.
11. Motorbikes
Although everyone is aware that motorbikes are more dangerous than cars, few people imagine how much more. Doctors often call bikers “future organ donors.”
12. Animals
People rarely realize that ordinary domestic herbivores can kill a person as fast as big predators.
13. Pools
Drowning is one of the main causes of death among young people.
14. Obesity
Along with smoking, obesity is one of the worst threats for the body. Most preventable diseases could be avoided if one stopped smoking and maintained weight at a normal level.
15. Not seeing doctors
Those who live in a country with low-cost and affordable medicine should definitely contact a doctor in case of something more serious than a common cold.
16. Air pollution
People tend to underestimate the harm that inhaling airborne contaminants does to our health. Often, life in big cities is detrimental to health.
17. Drinking too much alcohol
Aside from the obvious health hazards, there is another danger – passing out and choking on vomit.
18. Acne
More specifically, we are talking about acne in between the corners of the mouth and the nose. Infection from these areas can spread to the brain and cause meningitis.
19. Inhaling paint/gasoline fumes
This applies to almost any chemicals. Inhaling them for a long time can lead to cancer and brain damage.
20. Diving
Before you jump into the water, you need to be absolutely sure that there is deep water underneath. A lot of people are paralyzed every year, because of hurting their neck in the shallow water.
21. Staying up
Insomnia is actually even more harmful for common sense than alcohol. Moreover, it may disrupt your mental health.
22. Hiding from a tornado under an overpass
This actually caused a lot of misfortunes. In fact, you need to lie face down in the lowest point available (for example, in the ditch) and cover your head with your hands.
23. Stroking the head of somebody’s dog
Some dogs may bite your hand, because when someone is touching the back of its neck and the dog cannot see it, the animal regards it as a sign of domination. Better, let the dog sniff your hand. Once it realizes that the person is not a threat and licks your hand, you can stroke it on the head.
24. Dull blades
People usually think that only sharp knives are dangerous. But when you cut something with a dull knife, you put a lot more effort. And if the knife slips…
25. Swimming in the ocean
People swimming in the ocean are afraid of sharks. But there are much greater dangers – the flow and tidal motions. While swimming in the ocean, it is necessary to stay perpendicular to the flow direction (usually, this means parallel to the shore).