6 Flu Vaccine Myths & Facts

According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, each year the peak of an outbreak of influenza occurs between December and February. However, virus activity begins in October and lasts until the end of May. Up to now, the best and only way to protect yourself from this disease has been annual vaccination. Despite its effectiveness, annual vaccination against influenza is already accompanied by many myths. We will try to debunk the most popular of them.

1. A one-time flu shot gives lifelong immunity

This is perhaps one of the most common misconceptions. The duration of immunity after a flu shot is relatively short and is only 6-12 months from the date of injection. Therefore, if there are no contraindications to vaccination, it is advisable to be vaccinated annually.

In addition, do not forget that the flu virus has a huge number of subspecies, which are called strains. So, every year the virus mutates and a new strain is born that has only its inherent specific properties. Effective immunity persists only to a specific strain of the virus. Therefore, every year influenza vaccines change and include a strain of the virus that is relevant for the upcoming season. Without vaccination, it may cause the disease even in those who have had the flu no more than a year ago.

Immunologists develop a special vaccine every year taking into account the upcoming virus species in this season. Therefore, it is necessary to be re-vaccinated every year.

2. Vaccination is necessary at the height of the epidemic

Another common misconception is that influenza is an exclusively winter disease, while the season of the disease, according to the World Health Organization, usually lasts from October to May.

Not many people know that our immunity to diseases is not developed immediately. Normally, 1-2 weeks after vaccination are needed. It is this time that is required for the production of antibodies, thanks to which the immune system is strengthened and the resistance to diseases is increased. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo vaccination in advance, for example, in October.

However, if it happens that for some reason you do not have time to do this before the peak of activity of the flu, it is never too late to get a vaccine on the rise of the disease. Even in January, vaccination will be an effective way to prevent the flu and help you protect yourself and loved ones from this disease.

3. Flu shots are ineffective and useless

Despite the fact that the flu vaccine is not 100% effective, as practice shows, the vaccine works in 60-70% of cases. Every year, when developing a new vaccine, immunologists select those influenza strains that they consider most likely to appear in the new season. The effectiveness of the vaccine directly depends on how accurate the choice is.

In addition, much depends on the state of the immune system of a particular person. For example, in older people, immunity is often weakened, so the risk of disease is higher. It happens that a person gets sick with the flu even after immunity has formed. But vaccinated people tolerate the flu much easier than unvaccinated ones, and, most importantly, they have no complications.

4. After vaccination, the person becomes a carrier of infection for a short time

A vaccinated person is not a source of infection. Vaccination can cause an immune response that resembles mild symptoms of the disease, such as muscle pain or low fever.

However, at the same time, the vaccine does not contain the virus itself, it only includes its fragments – specific sections of the membrane that are not capable of reproduction. Accordingly, vaccination cannot become the cause of the disease.

5. The flu shot is contraindicated during pregnancy

Many people absolutely unreasonably believe that a flu vaccine causes fetal malformations and therefore is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, there is no scientific evidence. In addition, pregnant women are especially vulnerable and are at risk, therefore, in their case, vaccination is urgently needed.

Deactivated influenza vaccine is absolutely harmless for the unborn baby, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the disease itself. Influenza transmitted by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy can threaten the fetus with serious disorders and increase the risk of abortion.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, influenza threatens not only the life of the baby, but also the life of the would-be mother. Therefore, if you are expecting a baby and did not have time to get the flu vaccine beforehand, doctors recommend doing this from the 14th week of pregnancy after consulting with your doctor. The study showed that vaccinating a woman during pregnancy helps protect her baby from the flu in the first few months of life.

6. Influenza vaccine is contraindicated in children

Flu shots are not recommended for infants under 6 months of age. It is believed that at this age they are less susceptible to the influenza virus, since they received immunity from the mother, through the placenta and breast milk. However, by the age of 6 months, the body’s natural defense is completely lost and the baby becomes completely defenseless against this disease.

To date, there are vaccines that allow children to be vaccinated against influenza starting from 6 months. As with adults, vaccination is best done in October to give the body time to develop immunity.

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