7 Mistakes You Make When Cleaning up

Cleaning is a necessary thing. It does not seem particularly difficult. Perhaps just morally. However, it turns out that even in this simple matter we often make primitive mistakes, which reduce to nothing half of our efforts. Check yourself: do you make these mistakes as well?

1. You use a feather duster

Yes, this accessory looks very impressive and even playful. Especially in the movies. But in practice, it only raises dust in the air. And then the latter quickly returns to its place. A microfiber sponge is much more effective.

2. You wash the windows on a sunny day

Good weather makes you feel like cleaning (at least we’ve heard this observation), but the heat of the sun rays will cause the agent to dry out much faster than you can distribute it. The result is stains on the glass.

3. You walk around the apartment in shoes

At least occasionally. Remember what your mother taught you: the closer you get to the front door, the cleaner it will be in the house.

4. You forget to clean the dust bag of your vacuum cleaner

If you do not do this regularly, the vacuum cleaner will spit with dust or even fill the room with an unpleasant smell every time you start a great cleanup.

5. You do not let the cleanser stay for some time before you remove it

Have you applied the liquid for cleaning tiles, furniture or metal surfaces? Excellent. Now let it stay there for a couple of minutes and only then wipe it with a sponge or a soft napkin. The result will be much better.

6. You underestimate electric ventilation in the bathroom

Many of us turn it on only after taking a shower or even completely ignore it. If you start the ventilation a couple of minutes before the water procedure and turn it off about 10 minutes after it, you will reduce the production of condensate and save your bathroom from mold, which is not so easy to fight with. Ideally, the bathroom should have a window that should always be slightly opened.

7. You spray the polish directly onto the furniture

Every time you do so, the product forms a thin (and sticky!) protecting film on the furniture surface. Paradoxically, it attracts even more dust. This sticky layer is not so easy to remove. Therefore, the only correct way to improve the condition of the furniture is to sprinkle the polish on a soft napkin, and then use it to wipe your favorite table or wardrobe.

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