Cooling & Heating Patch Controls Your Body Temperature

Global warming is changing the climate on the planet and forcing professionals to engage in the development of new mobile and cost-effective climate systems. At the University of California, the researchers are studying the fact that San Diego is getting hotter from year to year. Scientists have created a prototype of an air conditioner to be worn right on the human body. This device regulates the heat exchange in the human body, warming or cooling it.

The prototype has the form of a hand bandage, and between its two layers, there is a heat transfer system made from a thermoelectric alloy of bismuth telluride. It works like a heat pump that transfers heat between the elastomer plates making up the bandage. Depending on what is hot: the surrounding air or the body of a person, the heat is transferred to or from the skin of a person.

The temperature differences of 5°-10° are achieved with a minimum expenditure of electricity. All the heat or cold is received by the part of the body which is in contact with the bandage. If the product has the shape and size of a vest, the effect of a personal air conditioner will be provided. Estimated energy consumption is as follows:

on a typical day – 26W of energy;

in extreme heat – up to 80W.

A person will feel the effect in a few minutes. Compared to wall mounted air conditioners, energy consumption is considerably lower.

With such cooling vests, energy consumption on air conditioning in large offices will be reduced drastically. Although for the sake of objectivity, it should be admitted that this type of cooling of the human body is still being developed, and the product is not expected to be released soon.

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