Reasons Plastic Surgeon Might Refuse to Perform a Surgery

Despite the fact that all people who turn to a plastic surgeon pursue the same goal of reshaping their appearance, their motives can be completely different.

As plastic surgeons admit, it is most difficult for them to deal with the patients who try to solve psychological problems with the help of plastic surgery. They want to increase their self-esteem, get rid of complexes, and change their lives with the help of plastic surgery, forgetting that, for example, mammoplasty (breast augmentation) or rhinoplasty (nose correction) are just surgeries rather than methods of solving psychological problems.

As a rule, the patient’s unclear motivation can serve as an excuse for the surgeon’s refusal from the surgery. The patients may fail to realize what exactly they want and be unable to understand why they came to the clinic. In other words, they cannot formulate the desired result in words.

You can also get a specialist’s refusal if the physical defect is less significant than the patient’s psychological problem. The doctor has the right to refuse if he understands that the fulfillment of the patient’s desire will significantly spoil his appearance.

In addition, plastic surgeons tend to reject unreasonable requests, such as “having a face like that of Victoria Beckham.”

Some people happen to come with problems that do not exist at all. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the patient is too young, and in a couple of years, her appearance may change.

Another reason why a plastic surgeon can say “no” to his patient is fashion trends. Fashion dictates how we look. And it’s good if it concerns only clothes or shoes, but if bigger lips or Asian eyes are at the peak of fashion this season, it can trigger many of those wishing to acquire them to go to a clinic. For a specialist, this is a signal that the patient does not have his own “ego”. Fashion trends change quite quickly, which means that the patient will opt for another surgery every time this is demanded by fashion.

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