There’s No Healthy Food at All

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel has conducted an unusual study, which we are going to tell you about.

The Weizmann Institute in Israel conducted an unusual study. For several years, the scientists have been observing a group of 800 volunteers. The participants of the experiment were divided into two groups. The first group ate only “healthy” food, and the second group ate what was considered to be unhealthy: semi-prepared products, chips, carbonated drinks, frozen foods, etc. (the study involved about 47,000 products).

Prof. Eran Elinav and Eran Segal conducted the study together with their colleagues and came to an unusual conclusion. It turned out that the body of the subjects responded to foods in a purely individual manner. The participants from both groups experienced both positive and negative changes.

In particular, the changes in blood sugar levels in response to the same food differed radically among different participants of the experiment. That’s why we often see how one person is rapidly gaining weight, while another person remains slim on the same diet.

Nutritionists are currently guided by the so-called glycemic index, which determines how much food is “healthy” for everyone. However, the results of the study showed that the same product affects the level of sugar in people differently. For example, one of the female participants of the study had tried a lot of diets prior to the experiment in an attempt to lose weight, but it turned out that her sugar level increased after eating tomatoes. In other cases, bananas could provoke more obvious changes than sweet pastries.

The report, prepared according to the results of the study, says that “healthy” and “unhealthy” products should be determined for each person individually and at a certain point in their life. That’s why there is no “healthy food for everyone”, and you need to choose products based on the reaction of the intestinal microflora to different foods.

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