6 Ways to Speed ​​up Wound Healing After Surgery

The success of a surgery depends on many factors, but the patient may affect only a few of them. Here are 6 changes in lifestyle that will help speed up the wound healing and...

4 Common Mistakes When Buying Multivitamins

Every year thousands of people become regular buyers of multivitamins and mineral supplements because they believe that taking these drugs will help them improve their health and protect against a number of diseases. If...

6 Symptoms Men Should Not Ignore

Men are known for their skeptical attitude to doctors. However, there are certain symptoms, which in any case should not be ignored. Excessive or loud snoring It is often considered a sign of extreme fatigue or...

The Shocking Truth about Swimming Pool Dirt

Most of the people who regularly use the pool believe that they have red eyes because of chlorine in the water. US researchers have found that the real reason for this is not chlorine. Most...

Most People Unaware of How to Choose Sun Protection Creams

The scientists from the US have found that a significant number of people who use sunscreens do not understand what is written on the packaging. Consequently, they may receive less protection they need. Most people...

Storing Fruits & Veggies in the Fridge Kills Vitamins

Biochemists from Rice University (Texas, USA) urge not to buy food in advance in order to store it in the refrigerator. The experts say that fresh fruits and vegetables lose their nutritional value because...

6 Best Weight Loss Veggies

American nutritionists have selected 6 of the best summer vegetables, which will help you lose weight. Some of them will seem exotic, but this does not negate the ability of these vegetables to produce...

5 Natural Detox Ideas

In recent years, detoxification procedure has become incredibly fashionable, and many stars regularly report more and more sophisticated methods of cleansing the body of toxins to their fans. Some detox programs are sold for...

6 Reasons to Eat Butter

When we start talking about healthy eating, it almost always implies the exclusion of butter from the diet. For many years, the product that raises cholesterol levels was considered harmful, but now experts are...
hat, towel, sun cream, sunglasses

Spring Sunbathing Leads to Skin Cancer

The long-awaited spring sun, which gives us the warm rays that we usually miss during the winter, can be deadly. Excess sunbathing frequently leads to neoplastic diseases of the skin. When people bask under the...