10 Foods Making You Even Hungrier

In fact, the main purpose of food is ridding you of hunger, but there are certain foods and drinks, after which use we want to eat and drink even more. They lead to overeating,...

10 Cheapest Healthy Foods

It is said that healthy food is much more expensive than processed foods and fast food. However, this is not always true, and here are some inexpensive foods that are completely healthy and useful. Beet This...

Animal-Assisted Therapy: How Dogs Cure

There are few people who do not like pets. But it turns out that in addition to their primary functions, animals can bring benefit to human health! Today we will talk about dogs, perhaps...

In-Grown Toenails Treatment

Unfortunately, such a painful trouble as ingrown nails is quite frequent. The nail plate of the big toe nail grows into the nail fold on one or two sides. The nail fold becomes inflamed,...

Beverages Boosting Metabolism

In case when metabolism is disrupted or slowed down, liver processes fats in a very sluggish way that allows them to be deposited in different locations in the body. But some drinks help "boost"...

What Can Your Ears Tell about Your Health?

From hair on the head to the skin on the feet - the human body provides us with a large number of indicators by which we can judge about the health. Ears are also...

5 Skin Cancer Myths

More and more people suffer from skin cancer, so this disease is much spoken about. However, it is important to distinguish between truth and fiction, and here are 5 most enduring myths about...

7 Tips for Foot Odor Treatment

Foot odor is not only a hygienic but also a psychological problem, as it causes a person strong emotional discomfort. However, following certain rules will help to avoid this problem. Store your shoes properly If you...

10 Sugar Facts

Sugar is considered one of the most popular food products. People consume sugar in almost every meal (not counting the cases of rejecting sugar intentionally). It was brought to our part of the world...

6 Ways to Protect Your Child from Flu

With the start of the influenza season, children often find themselves in the firing line, as they are most vulnerable to the virus. Here are some simple ways to help protect your kids from...