Blue Algae Fights Hangover Syndrome

Scientists have discovered that the so-called blue algae are able to remove the alcohol hangover syndrome. This is due to the unique composition of underwater plants. Blue algae contain up to 6 times more antioxidants...

Plastic Bags Can Be Harmful to Your Health

Lots of us re-use the plastic bags that we buy at the checkout in the supermarket. And although this is a very economical and environmentally friendly option, health care professionals believe that the re-use...

Start Your Meals with Fruits & Veggies to Lose Weight

If you are not sure of your willpower, start your meal with fruit. The researchers found that in this case the person is much more likely to avoid the temptation of junk food. U.S. researchers...

Pumpkin Health Benefits

Pumpkin can be used not only for carving on Halloween. It contains a variety of nutrients and is considered one of the best foods for weight loss. We'll prove that pumpkin is useful and...

Oatmeal Better Than Probiotics

Oatmeal helps the stomach to maintain normal microflora balance. The healthy bacteria within our body are absolutely necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. When we lack these bacteria, doctors recommend...

Counting Cash Calms Down Your Nerves

Counting money from time to time reconciles the imperfections of the world. Researchers from the University of Minnesota offered the first group of volunteers to count 80 hundred-dollar bills. They offered the second group to...

Olive Oil Strengthens Bones

No foods can strengthen our bones like dairy products. That is what lots of people think, and they are wrong. A team of Spanish scientists has found that there is a no less useful...

Too Much Sleep Worse Than Sleep Deprivation

Specialists of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine conducted a thorough investigation and revealed that excess sleep is much more dangerous to the human body than the lack of it. Ten hours’ sleep may...

Perfect Sandwich

Dieters often reject sandwiches and consider them to be junk food - but is it fair? Actually, this statement about sandwiches is correct because sandwiches contain butter, bread from refined flour and sausage. Nutritionists blame...

Table Salt vs. Sea Salt

Many people believe that sea salt is superior to regular table salt. But is it possible that the producers of the expensive varieties of salt, which supposedly contains more minerals, just pull the wool...