Is Vaping Safe?

Vaping has been becoming more and more popular since it was introduced to society. At first sight, it looks a long way from smoking: no obnoxious smell, and the overall image is certainly more...

Are Veneers, Teeth Whitening & Tooth Gems Harmful?

For many of us, TV and movie stars, popular bloggers have become a reference point in the issue of trends in clothing, cosmetics, and even a smile. Today, almost every other celebrity has veneers,...

Foods to Avoid When You Suffer from Diabetes or Prediabetes

Diabetes is more common in the world than it seems. We have already written about it on Today we would like to remind everyone what products should not be eaten by those who...

Wasp Sting Treatment & Ways to Avoid

Small wasps can cause big trouble. What really helps? Do you hear the buzz? It's the sound of wasps flying to you! There are two kinds of wasps that are drawn to meat and...

Try Cryotherapy on Your Stiff Joints

Right now many people are trying to get arthritis out of their joints by cryotherapy; it can even be referred to as a trendy cure as it draws in more and more sufferers. It...

Sedentary Lifestyle Makes You Dumb

We all want to look alive and kicking, don’t we? Taking the word kicking figuratively, of course. Moving around makes us feel alive, feel the blood running on its course. What’s more, researchers second...

Diseases You Can Catch from Your Pet

Having a favorite pet in the family is definitely good. The pet gives joy and positive energy every day. If there are small children in the family, they can learn compassion, mercy, and care...

Why Is It Unhealthy to Hold the Urine for a Long Time?

Is it harmful to hold the urine when you want to go to the toilet? And how long is it not harmful to hold it? What can happen if you do not go to...

How to Reduce Stomach Bloating

You want to impress everyone with your adorable figure in a new tight dress, but your stomach suddenly looks like you swallowed a soccer ball. Stomach bloating can sabotage any plans and your mood...

Most Common Menopause Myths Busted

All women grow up with the thought that life is over with the end of the reproductive age. But this assumption is completely wrong. On the contrary, a menopause is an absolute freedom. After...