Drinks You Should Never Wash Down Your Medication with

Does it make any difference what you choose to wash down your medication with? It turns out to be a very important issue. We decided to prepare a shortlist of the drinks, which should never...

Oral Herpes Causes & Treatment

Most people have seen unpleasant pimples on their lips or on the lips of others, which get covered with crust after some time. Where does this disease come from and how to fight it? Causes...

Massage & Self-Massage Tips

Massage can be different: erotic, sports, medical... Not to mention the national variations: Thai, Balinese, Spanish... Which massage techniques can you master yourself? Massage is an ancient art of healing by providing finger pressure on...

How to Get Rid of Helicobacter Pylori?

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that can cause gastritis and stomach ulcers. WHO considers this microorganism a dangerous carcinogen, recognizing its connection with stomach cancer. How does Helicobacter pylori survive in the gastric juice? It was...

How to Treat Anxiety with Traditional Chinese Medicine?

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, anxiety is a very characteristic movement of qi energy – its uncontrolled rise. Below you will see how to persuade your body not to react to...

7 Factors That Make Your Hangover Heavier

When we are suffering from a hangover, it seems that nothing could be worse than that. You’ve got all sorts of problems assaulting you from all sides simultaneously: your head feels as if it...

Things to Know about Skin Cancer

Everything is in blossom, and it is still pleasant to spend time outdoors until the heat has come. Now you are probably thinking about increasing your walking time to get more vitamin D. But...

Most Common Mistakes Contact Lens Wearers Make

If you have refused to wear glasses and opted for contact lenses, you already know about their main advantage – the crystal clear peripheral vision. You must also be familiar with how to deal...

Myths about Breast Implants

The more popular breast correction becomes, the more legends are connected with it. Let's figure out where the truth is, and where urban legends take root. Implants can be removed by yourself Tony Rossington, a resident...

Most Important Questions about Electric Toothbrush Answered

Someone uses a classic brush with dental floss, while many have already switched to an electric toothbrush. Which is better? All you need to know about the most popular oral hygiene product is given...