The Effect of the Keto-Diet on Your Health

The ketogenic diet has a long history: in fact, it was discovered in the 1920s as a means of treating epilepsy and has been studied for decades. In 2018, it became a real trend,...

8 Signs You’re Healthy

It's time to stop comparing yourself with others and worrying about not looking as attractive as Beyoncé in her "Lemonade" music video. It's not body positive as such – it's a simple idea that...

5 Snacks Rich in Protein

A healthy snack after an active workout is a guarantee of great results, especially if you use foods rich in protein. Protein helps the muscles recover faster and become stronger. Read about what will become...

5 Ways to Prevent Allergies in Your Kids

Parents don't want to see their children suffer through allergy attacks. Keeping your children from developing severe allergic reactions, or developing allergies in the first place, isn't as hard as you may think. By...

Comparing Hybrid Diabetes Systems and DIY Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery Technology

A do-it-yourself diabetes movement has taken the perspective that they are not waiting on regulators and manufactures to improve communication and deliver closed-loop technology for type one diabetes. The We Are Not Waiting Movement...

11 Tips for Maintaining Your Eye Health

It is great to be living in the digital age! We can use various gadgets at any time and as long as necessary. They make life easier for us. Yet some of them spoil...

How to Avoid Getting Ill on Vacation?

The feeling of malaise, coughing and sore throat is not a rare thing during travel. A study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that an average of 20% of aircraft...

Stress, Diet and 12 More Surprising Reasons for High Cholesterol Levels

Do you think that high cholesterol is a problem for the elderly and overweight people? However, it is not so. It seems to have become a disease of modern civilization: residents of megalopolises face...

5 Most Common Reasons for Backache

Back problems appear imperceptibly and at the most inappropriate time. The blame is our typical mistakes that almost everyone makes. We have collected the most common habits that cause pain and prevent your back...

Caregiver Stress Management – Tips for Avoiding Burnout

Caregivers are special people, and it’s in their nature to think of others before themselves. Unfortunately, this means that they sometimes neglect their own physical and mental health. Their unwavering commitment to other people...