What Makes a Leader?

Experts from one of the largest business schools in Norway conducted a research, in which they analyzed what personalities tend to lead companies. A researcher from the Norwegian Business School, Christian Gimso, shared the...

Is Hepatitis Spread by Mosquitoes?

These bloodthirsty parasites are particularly annoying in summer, and you can easily assume that every person risks being infected with hepatitis after a mosquito bite. American scientists from the University of California at Los...

Forget the Dentist’s Drill

Going to the dentist will soon turn into a pleasant trifle because British scientists have invented the technique of a self-healing tooth which does not require the use of a drill. The whole procedure...

Doctors Testing New Shocking Way of Saving Patients’ Lives

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center start testing a new technique of saving lives. This will concern critical patients who received dangerous injuries that may be incompatible with life. In fact, doctors...

Arthritis Treatment Gadget

Cold treatment with a unique new gadget will alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. Celebrities including boxer David Haye have praised the method of hilotherapy. British professional boxer David Haye has admitted that hilotherapy helped him...

New Artificial Sweetener Created

U.S. Food and Drug Administration has registered a new sugar substitute, which paved the way to the production and sale of this product. The sweetener was named Advanta. Advanta is approved for use in the...

WHO: 4 Epidemics Posing Threat to Humans

Head of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan has listed viral diseases that can eliminate entire nations. Effective drugs are not developed yet, so the only method of preventing dreadful diseases is not to...

Tobacco Kills Cancer Cells

It turned out that tobacco is able to protect humankind from cancer, despite the apparent paradox of this conclusion. Scientists from the University of La Trobe in Australia made a discovery: it turns out,...

Salami Causes Allergy

Due to the fact that the increasing heat contributes to the problem with allergies, doctors warn of the need for careful selection of foods. Your favorite sausage can cause a severe allergic reaction, even...

Money Is Full of Bacteria

U.S. researchers have discovered more than 3,000 types of bacteria on dollar bills, taken at a New York bank. Some of them quite puzzled the experts. Scientists have long known that money is full...