Just 2 Injections a Year to Rid of Hypertension

In the near future, it may be enough to make a couple of injections a year to keep blood pressure under control. The drug will block the action of the hormone leading to hypertension. ...

Hidden Risks of Toothpaste

Choosing toothpaste by taste and color is a very simple thing nowadays. Many of them look attractive and smell so delicious that you want to put them in your mouth. But doctors warn one...

Side Effects of Taking Vitamin Supplements

As a rule, with the beginning of spring one can hear more often that the body lacks vitamins. Doctors point to the need to support the body with useful substances in the transition period,...

Palms Foretell Cancer Risk

The signals that the body attacked by diseases gives us should not be neglected. This was confirmed by the study conducted by the experts from the London clinic. Doctors have found that one can...

Bearing Pain May Be Life-Threatening

Stoicism is not a quality that you need to be proud of! Even if you are a real man, you should not bear pain for a long time, otherwise there is a considerable risk...

Contacts instead of Glucose Meter for Diabetics

Smart contact lenses can help you manage without a standard glucose test. Not so long ago, Google specialists figured out how to make life easier for diabetics. As you know, it is sometimes very difficult...

Taking Fever Medication Makes The Flu Worse

Canadian researchers from McMaster University conducted a study on the effect of fever medication. The researchers concluded that lowering fever leads to a further spread of the infection and a greater number of deaths due...

Slower People Live Shorter Lives

Middle-aged people who have preserved a quick reaction can expect to live a longer life than those who have a slow reaction. That is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of California...

Rodents to Help Cure Cancer

Mole rats are small rodents, predominantly leading an underground lifestyle. They may carry the key to creating powerful cancer drugs. These mammals have an immunity to malignant diseases. Scientists from the Haifa University in...

Acupuncture Left Hundreds of Needles in Patient’s Knees

An elderly woman from South Korea came to the hospital complaining of pain in her legs. Doctors X-rayed her and were shocked to find hundreds of gold needles left behind after acupuncture treatments. The 65-year-old...