Excess Weight Doesn’t Affect Heart Health

There is a belief that excess weight leads to heart disease. However, recent research has shown that in fact there is no direct relationship between obesity and heart condition. Slim people are more likely...

Dirtiest Things at Your Home

Game consoles, bicycles, children's toys – all of these things contain much more bacteria than a toilet seat. The researchers tested the cleanliness of modern dwellings and drew the conclusion that we are surrounded...

Doctors to Treat Heart Attack with RNA

Doctors have developed a new technique allowing the heart to restore blood circulation shortly after a heart attack. Experts from Harvard University and the Karolinska Institute have learned to cope with the effects of heart...

Weight Loss Bacteria Found

Experiments on the human intestinal microflora transfer to the digestive tract of mice enabled scientists from the University of Washington to identify the bacteria causing weight loss. Their presence does not let the body...

Wine Protects Menopause Aged Women from Osteoporosis

Alcoholic drinks on the early stages of menopause may be useful for women – if the alcohol is used in small quantities, of course. In this case, it can withstand the lowering density of the...

Mushrooms Prevent Diabetes

Mushrooms can provide additional protection from diabetes. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, and in order to preserve their healthy qualities, one should not peel mushrooms. It would be enough just to leave them in...

Cutting Salt Intake Senseless

Recent studies have shown that restrictions on salt are not really needed: no matter how much salt we may have eaten, the body takes exactly the amount it needs. At present, developed countries have rather...

Food & Cigarettes Affect Your Body Smell

Some foods make us sweat harder, and, as a result, smell worse. Food and cigarettes affect body smell, researchers believe. Thus, garlic, onions, curry, and other spicy foods increase the concentration of sulfur in...

Light Therapy to Cure Chronic Pain

Professor Tolle (Germany) came up with a way to overcome chronic pain using light therapy. The trial involved about 100 volunteers. The participants of the experience will undergo a course of light therapy in the...

Excessive Painkillers Intake Leads to More Pain

Painkillers intake may actually increase the amount of headaches and not vice versa. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the UK. According to study’s...