Garlic Protects Smokers from Lung Cancer

According to Chinese researchers from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of lung cancer in smokers is reduced by 30 % with regular use of raw garlic at least twice a...

Man Lives with Heart in the Abdomen for 24 Years

Because of the lack of money for a surgery, a man was forced to live with a rare anomaly for 24 years. Huang Rongming from the province of Henan had lived for 24 years with...

Immune System Stronger Than Expected

Our immune system reacts to stress in a stronger way than expected. Experiments with mice, conducted at Ohio State University, discovered new properties of the immune system. Monocytes, contained in the tissues and blood, are...

Low Temperature Domestic Laundry Infects Your Linen

Washing linen at the temperature of 30 degrees Celsius (86 F) is dangerous to our health, as ascertained by experts. It turns out that such temperature does not prevent the bacteria from causing diseases:...

Chronic Lack of Sleep Leads to Depressions & Alcoholism

According to a research by U.S. experts, people who have little sleep are much more likely to suffer depression and alcoholism, infectious diseases, as well as risk to die earlier than those who do...

Electric Cookers Less Harmful Than Gas Ones

Meat fried on a gas cooker contains more carcinogens than cooked in an electric stove, scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology say. In the course of experiment, scientists, reproduced conditions of a...

Only Responsible Employees Suffer from Depression

The Kyoto School of Public Health (Japan) argues that depression develops due to long dramatic experiences and excessive stress of the brain. Most often these problems occur in the people, who have an extremely...

Singing Prevents Snoring

Singing can help overcome snoring and sleep apnea, according to the International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, which cited a study conducted in the UK. It involved 127 patients suffering from sleep...

Australian Doctors Bring Dead Woman Back to Life

The heart of a 41-year-old resident of the state of Victoria stopped beating for 42 minutes. Vanessa Tanasio suffered two heart attacks, one at home and the second at hospital. Despite the fact that...

Loans Harm Your Health

The scientists from the Northwestern University, USA, warn that debts not only destroy the human psyche, but also lead to the development of serious diseases. Health problems can occur even in young people. The researchers...