Singing Prevents Snoring

Singing can help overcome snoring and sleep apnea, according to the International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, which cited a study conducted in the UK. It involved 127 patients suffering from sleep...

Wi-Fi Health Risks

Scientists have conducted studies and found that Wi-Fi can provoke deterioration of health. Danish scientists conducted an experiment on children and houseplants and came to a disappointing conclusion. A group of schoolchildren slept a few nights...

New HIV Vaccine

American scientists have come close to creating the most powerful HIV vaccine. Experiments on monkeys have shown that the drug can protect animals from four times the dose of the virus. Created on the protein...

Harmony SHR– Robotic After-Stroke Rehabilitation

Recovery of upper extremities after a stroke or severe injuries takes many months, sometimes even years and requires constant attention from high-level specialists. The new stationary robotic rehabilitation system based on the principles used in...

Light Therapy to Cure Chronic Pain

Professor Tolle (Germany) came up with a way to overcome chronic pain using light therapy. The trial involved about 100 volunteers. The participants of the experience will undergo a course of light therapy in the...

Electronic Cigarettes to Be Sold As Medication

In France, electronic cigarettes are going to be banned, and in the UK they are going to be declared a drug. The latest initiative belongs to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency...

WHO: 4 Epidemics Posing Threat to Humans

Head of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan has listed viral diseases that can eliminate entire nations. Effective drugs are not developed yet, so the only method of preventing dreadful diseases is not to...

Doctors Contribute to 40 Million Deaths Annually

That is the number of the patients, who die each year because of poor-quality medicine. Such sad statistics was published in the BMJ Quality & Safety journal by Harvard scientists from the Institute of...

Pessimists Suffer from Heartache More Often

Our emotions affect the mind and cause the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. American scientists at John Hopkins University say that pessimists suffer from heart disease more often. They spent 25 years collecting the statistics,...

Xiao Yi Medical Doctor Robot from China

This news may upset the people who have chosen a medical job. In China, a robot has successfully passed the state exam for a doctor's license for the first time ever. Soon, it will...