AI Visual Assistant for Visually Impaired People

The Institute of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Georgia (USA) has developed an artificial intelligence backpack using Intel Movidius VPU technology, which allows visually impaired people to navigate in real time using voice...

Ultrasound Drill and Nanodroplets Remove Blood Clots from Arteries

Blood clots formed in blood vessels pose a serious threat to human health and often lead to death. The fight against blood clots is based on the use of medications, the result of which...

Pancreatic Cancer to Be Treated with Modified Smallpox Virus

The deadliest of oncological diseases is pancreatic cancer, which is considered practically incurable at the current medical development level. British and Chinese scientists' joint work has led to the development of a new method...

Medical Gun Spincare Cures Burns

Treatment of superficial burns is a rather long and laborious procedure. Used in traditional burn treatment, bandages that allow moisture to pass through make life difficult for the patient, preventing normal hygiene procedures such...

Five Things that Transformed Surgery

The world of surgery is constantly changing – and is, fortunately for us, totally unrecognisable against its humble beginnings thousands of years ago. Read more about five of the most revolutionary innovations that the...

Viruses to Battle Late-Stage Cancer?

American scientists have made another breakthrough in the development of methods for combating late-stage cancer with the help of immunotherapy methods. The new method of oncolytic viral therapy is to deliver a kind of molecular...

Radio Waves to Reduce Arthritis Pain

In modern medicine, pain relief is one of the main elements in the treatment of many diseases. However, not all patients with varying degrees of pain can receive effective anesthetics. The development of a...

Scientists: Humans Will Be Immortal

Immortality is a dream that has occupied the minds of all generations and is still not realized. However, the scientists from Arizona State University (USA) managed to approximate the solution to this problem. Human nature...

Efficient Cancer Medication Created

Norwegian scientists from the University of Bergen have become the developers of a unique drug in the treatment of highly resistant cancers. During the tests, the authors of the innovation proved that the drug...

This Easy Trick Could Save Your Life

A car parked for the whole day in the shade with the windows closed can contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If you are parked in the sun at a temperature above 16 degrees, the...