8 Shocking Facts about Your Mouth

The mouth is an exceptional part of the human body. Speech, meals, sense of taste, and many other functions are connected with the mouth. In this review we will focus on the little-known facts...

10 Most Common Human Brain Myths

Brain is the most amazing organ in the human body. It manages our central nervous system; it helps us walk, talk, breathe, and think. Our brain is incredibly complex, and the number of its...

Your Brain Is not Divided into Two Hemispheres

American scientists have shown that the division of the human brain into hemispheres responsible for the logical and the emotional aspect is erroneous. According to the widespread idea about brain functioning, the left hemisphere is...

10 Everyday Things That Can Surprisingly Make One High

There are items that are not dangerous, unless they are used for other purposes. Some may get into trouble because of ignorance, while others deliberately seek adventures. However, such experiments can have negative impact...

10 Diseases Cannabis Treats

The word "marijuana" or "cannabis" evokes only one association in the brain, related to drug abuse and smoking. It's a drug and therefore an anti-social product, not worthy of talking about. But above all,...

Anger Outbursts May Lead to Stroke

The staff at New York University School of Medicine analyzed a number of scientific works whose authors tried to find out how anger outbursts in difficult situations are reflected in the work of the...

Dyspnea Is a Sign of Old Lady Heart Syndrome

Do not ignore chronic dyspnea because it can be a symptom of the so-called old lady heart syndrome. This is a newly discovered variant of heart failure, which is, unfortunately, often overlooked and misdiagnosed. A...

Are Nightmares a Symptom?

Everyone might have seen nightmares in their life. Are they something unusual and can they be considered a cause for concern about your health? Researchers believe that frequent nightmares are a serious symptom. Usually a...

Texas Bacteria to Become the Next Global Epidemic?

Scientists have discovered a microorganism in Texas that is capable of spreading over long distances. Today, there is no vaccine against the bacterium, so its spread can lead to epidemic in the world. So...

25 Underestimated Life Dangers

Life is hard, and there is no need to complicate it even more. After all, you can simply avoid a number of situations. Here are the 25 things and situations that may be dangerous...