Fat Food Affects Mentality

Researchers have found yet another negative effect of fatty foods on the body besides the fact that its use provokes weight gain. According to the article in the Biological Psychiatry journal, the passion for...

Chicken Soup Is a Riddle for Doctors

In different cultural traditions, there is a way of treating colds with soup based on chicken broth. Doctors confirm that chicken soup really can be used for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory diseases. But...

Head Transplantation to Become Reality

Famous Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero published a scientific paper a few days ago in which he introduced the technique of a human head transplantation surgery. The British edition of New Scientist quotes the doctor...

Type 2 Diabetes Is Caused by Stress & Not Lifestyle

Overweight and obesity are not the only causes of type 2 diabetes, as many believe. In fact, this disease can also develop in lean sporty people as a result of stress. Stress is a trigger...

Post-Ebola Syndrome: Surviving Is Not Enough

There was shocking information that the people who managed to survive Ebola began to demonstrate the symptoms of an unknown state, which doctors call "post-Ebola syndrome." Many months after recovery, various signs of poor...

Food Additive to Reduce Overeating

British scientists have found that overweight people took almost 15% less food from the buffet when they were given food additives with propionate. According to the researchers, this additive can be an effective tool...

Back Ache Epidemic?

Three-quarters of the adult population of the planet suffers regular or recurrent back pains. Experts believe that this is due to a sedentary lifestyle. According to the British Chiropractic Association, a sedentary lifestyle endangers...

Palms Foretell Cancer Risk

The signals that the body attacked by diseases gives us should not be neglected. This was confirmed by the study conducted by the experts from the London clinic. Doctors have found that one can...

Bearing Pain May Be Life-Threatening

Stoicism is not a quality that you need to be proud of! Even if you are a real man, you should not bear pain for a long time, otherwise there is a considerable risk...

Eating Hot Dogs As Unhealthy As Smoking

Washington Physicians Committee issued a statement about the dangers of hot dogs. This kind of fast food contains high amounts of salt, which can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. But most importantly...