Smoking E-Cigarettes & Popcorn Lung Linked

Despite the fact that e-smoking is considered virtually harmless, scientists do not hurry to draw such optimistic conclusions. On the contrary, they say that the inhalation of vapor leads to a dangerous lung damage,...

E-prescribing Systems Surge in Popularity

A recent study estimates that the electronic prescribing systems market will grow to $794 million by 2017. As governments move towards the use of electronic health records for their citizens, e-prescribing systems becoming a...

Best Anti-Cancer Fruit Revealed

American scientists have named the fruit, which contains the strongest anti-cancer substance in the world. The guanabana tropical fruit of the graviola tree is characterized by the most powerful anti-cancer effect. It is also known...

How Many People on Earth Are Healthy?

The American edition of The Lancet has published a medical health evaluation of the world's population. In 2013, the global survey was conducted, taking into consideration the number of acute and chronic diseases in...

Sun Tanning Kills More Often Than Car Accidents

Scientists have found that sunbathing is more dangerous to human health than cars. It was found that skin cancer is now killing more people than all sorts of road accidents. In 2012, the death rate...

More than a Third of the World’s Population Overweight

More than a third of our planet inhabitants, including 37% of men and 38% of women, are overweight. These shocking figures are contained in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Between 1980 and 1990,...

Those Wearing White Clothes in Summer Risk Skin Cancer

Spanish researchers from the Catalan University refuted the widespread belief that it is better to wear light-colored clothing (preferably white) in summer. Such outdated information can lead to serious health problems. In a series...

More Expensive Foods Seem to Be More Delicious

Expensive food products seem tastier to customers than the foods sold at the regular price. The experiment, conducted by the scientists with the help of volunteers, showed that the price directly affected the human...

How Do You Increase Cancer Risk without Being Aware of It?

The sun is getting hotter, and basking in the sun is bound to be more popular with each week. Good time to check the right way to use sun cream – you don’t want...

New Car Smell May Cause Cancer

During the first month after buying a car, experts recommend spending not more than one and a half hours a day in it. Otherwise there is a high risk of being subjected to the...