Libido Boosting Essential Oils

Loss of libido (sex drive) is a common problem affecting both men and women. It can be caused by a variety of issues including problems within relationships, physical illness, trauma, anxiety, stress, depression, fatigue, hormonal changes (e.g. during pregnancy or menopause), drugs, alcohol and certain medications (e.g. antidepressants).

There is no such thing as a ‘normal sex drive’ as everyone is different, but if yours or your partner’s lack of interest in sex is starting to cause issues or distress then it could be a good idea to seek help.

One easy self-help technique that you can try at home is to harness the power of nature’s finest essential oils. Pure essential oils have many therapeutic benefits for the mind, body and soul and can be really valuable in helping you to relax, unwind and re-ignite that sexual spark.

Aromatic plants have been used for thousands of years not just medicinally, but also to aid love and romance. Cleopatra slept with rose petals in her bed and covered her bedroom floor with them in order to seduce her lovers. The Romans also used them in their love potions and to cover the marital beds of newly-weds.

Today, science has proven what our clever ancestors already knew – that certain aromas can have a powerful effect on our moods and sexual desires.

Top 5 aphrodisiac essential oils

There are a number of essential oils that are known for their aphrodisiac powers, and many can also help to relieve the stresses and strains of daily life which can contribute to loss of libido.

Here are our top 5 oils to try:

  • Rose otto essential oil – many aromatherapists believe there is simply no finer essential oil. Rose has a particular affinity with the female reproductive system and can help with imbalances or issues related to the menstrual cycle or menopause. It is a lovely tender, soothing oil that can help with anxiety, stress, depression, grief and anger. It is one of the best choices for women who are insecure about their sexuality, lack confidence in their desirability or are suffering with frigidity. It is also helpful for male impotence.
  • Sandalwood essential oil is a powerful aphrodisiac with an erotic scent that is equally popular with men and women. It is a relaxing yet uplifting oil that can help to dispel nervous tension, stress and depression. Being a spiritual, meditative oil, it can also soothe and quieten an overactive mind. Sandalwood has traditionally been used to stimulate Kundalini (vital force / sexual energy) in tantric rituals.
  • Jasmine essential oil is one of the most powerful aphrodisiac oils with a heady, intoxicating, aroma. It is an excellent antidepressant that can help to lift and warm the emotions. It is also thought to restore confidence, encourage optimism and release inhibitions.
  • Neroli essential oil is another beautifully scented floral oil with subtle aphrodisiac powers. It is calming and soothing and one of the best oils for relieving anxiety and nerves.
  • Clary Sage essential oil – is one of the most powerful relaxants in aromatherapy and can have an almost euphoric effect (for this reason it should not be used in conjunction with alcohol). It is helpful for all kinds of emotional and physical tension and can be particularly useful for couples who are going through a ‘bad patch’ in their relationship.

How to use these essential oils

  • Enjoying a sensual massage with your partner is by far the most effective and pleasurable way to enjoy the oils. Choose your favourite oil or oils (we recommend selecting no more than 3 essential oils per blend) and add up to 4 drops of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil (e.g. Grapeseed or Sweet Almond oil). Essential oils are highly concentrated and should never be applied direct to the skin without diluting them first.
  • The oils can also be used for a romantic soak in the bath. Add 4-10 drops of your chosen oils to half a cup of full-fat milk or mix then into a fragrance-free bath oil or gel.
  • To create a lovely sensual room fragrance pop your chosen oils into a candle burner or aromatherapy diffuser. Add up to 12 drops of oil or follow your product’s instructions.

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