Is Sauna Healthy or Harmful for Women’s Health?

Any gynecologist is most likely to forbid you going to sauna or hammam under any pretext. Is there a real reason for this or is this purely a prejudice, like the one connected with black cats? Let’s figure out.

Bath, sauna, and hammam can be extremely effective for treating a number of gynecological problems. Their action is akin to physiotherapeutic procedures that are aimed at stimulating the performance of this or that organ: due to the thermal effect, the blood flow improves in the tissues, they receive an additional portion of nutrients and oxygen. “Enhanced nutrition” helps restore their functions over a shorter period of time.

Sauna can be useful in case of violation of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea), ovarian functions, climacteric syndrome, and painful menstruation (heat has a beneficial effect on muscles and ligaments, as well as on the autonomic nervous system). Of course, such treatment will be effective, if there are no other contraindications to warming procedures.

Most often, gynecologists object to visiting a sauna in case of the following problems:


In most cases, women do not take this disease seriously. They should, in fact! In case of improper treatment, it can develop into a chronic form (recur four times a year or more) and affect other organs.

Why are heating procedures dangerous in case of candidiasis? First of all, humidity and heat are an excellent medium for the reproduction of fungi of the Candida genus. In the sauna, you can either reduce the previous treatment of candidiasis to nothing or exacerbate the problem.

Don’t forget that the local immunity of the vagina is reduced during the period of candidiasis. If any pathogenic fungi or bacteria enter the body, a secondary infection will join the underlying disease. Such pathogens are easy to get, for example, in a locker room, on a stone bench of the hammam and even in the steam room (many microorganisms are insensitive to the effects of high temperatures, which are typical of Russian baths and Finnish saunas. Also, do not forget that you can become a source of infection for other women.

Inflammation of the pelvic organs and the vagina

This is an acute phase of the disease. Warming up is dangerous due to increasing the blood flow. Microorganisms (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli) cause inflammatory processes, which feel comfortable not only on the mucous membrane of the uterus or vagina but also in any other organ. With the blood flow, they can be carried throughout the body, creating new inflammation foci.

Uterine myoma

To be honest, there are no scientific studies and statistics that would confirm the harm of sauna in case of fibroids. Such procedures are often banned just in case – not to provoke the growth of myoma nodes.

In case of uterine myoma, you can afford to go to hammam or sauna (up to 80 degrees Celsius), provided that the disease is at an early stage and does not cause you any discomfort (bleeding, pain), you regularly visit a gynecologist to monitor your condition and carefully take the prescribed medications.

Ovarian cysts

Regardless of the type of cyst, it is better to postpone going to the sauna. Stimulating blood circulation can trigger the cyst growth. Given that we do not resort to bath procedures very often, you can easily wait for two months that are required to observe the ovarian cyst.


Many doctors advise women with mastopathy against going to the sauna – just to be on the safe side. Such procedures are not forbidden as such if they are practiced in a lightened version. Hammam, of course, is preferable, next goes the Finnish sauna. The temperature in the steam room should not exceed 80 degrees. You should not immediately pour cold water on your body or jump into the pool: contrasting procedures, in this case, are contraindicated. Brooms are a taboo as well! You don’t need mammary gland traumas!

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