How to Get Rid of Hay Fever?

British scientists have invented a nasal spray that relieves the symptoms of hay fever without any side effects. Its main component is cellulose. The humanity has been struggling with hay fever or pollen allergy for...

Can Spinach Make You Sick?

Unfortunately, spinach turns out to carry some perils, as was revealed by a recent research. As presented at an American Chemical society meeting, some pretty malign bacteria can be found in spinach even if...

Common Treatments for Children With Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a condition that results in lifelong cognitive disability and physical impairments. There is no cure for Down syndrome, and treatments typically require a diverse team of specialists to address the specific...
hat, towel, sun cream, sunglasses

Spring Sunbathing Leads to Skin Cancer

The long-awaited spring sun, which gives us the warm rays that we usually miss during the winter, can be deadly. Excess sunbathing frequently leads to neoplastic diseases of the skin. When people bask under the...

Sleep Age Can Predict Serious Health Risks

You must have heard that every person has three ages. The first is the number of years lived, the second is the state of the body, the third is the brain. What is sleep age? People...

10 Ways to Detect Real Butter

The fact is that the market offers a lot of advertised products that are supposedly healthier than butter and even look virtually indistinguishable from it. However, they are all artificial substitutes, and their usefulness...

Aches And Pains? Try Massage Therapy

Although it can be confusing deciding on the best type of therapy to get if you have a variety of nagging aches and pains, a good choice would be getting a massage, which is...

Alkaline-Acid-Balance & Your Diet

It ceased to be fashionable to count proteins, fats and carbohydrates. European and American nutritionists more and more often offer to adhere to the system of nutrition based on the alkaline-acid balance. Kirsten Dunst, Victoria...

Weight Loss Injections That Lasts 60 Days

Obese people infected with SARS-CoV-2 are 74% more likely to need intensive care and 48% more likely to die than the people with normal weight. In this regard, the fight against obesity, in the...

Office Habits That Are Bad for Your Back

Many body positions quickly become a habit, but not all of them are good for your health. Which ones need to be adjusted right now? Are you sitting now? And both of your feet are...