Home Remedies for Headache

A headache can overtake you at any time – while on vacation at the seaside, at the height of the working day, at home, in the office or in a countryside cottage. Its attack...

How to Prevent Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are not a rare phenomenon. Most often, the treatment of kidney stones is performed without any surgery. However, the best treatment is prevention. How can you prevent the appearance of kidney stones? 1....

15 Most Useful Home Remedies of All Times

Although the "money tree" does not really help make money and spilled salt will not necessarily lead to a quarrel, many signs actually "work". Scientists have proved that not all popular beliefs are a...

3 Home Remedies for Bruises

The human body is an amazing creation. It is capable of withstanding enormous loads and miracles of childbirth, but a simple bruise makes us frown painfully and feel the unhappiest creature on the planet....

7 Surprisingly Dangerous Things at Your Home

My house is my fortress. Probably everyone thinks so. Your house seems to be the most comfortable and safest place in the whole world. In fact, that’s true. However, to be truly on the...

Leg Cramps: Reasons & Treatment

Almost every person has experienced cramps at least once in their life. Sudden involuntary muscle contractions are very painful and bring strong discomfort. This is especially frustrating at night, as sharp pain makes you...

Cosy Robot Pillow Somnox Helps Fight Insomnia

Did you know that about 30% of people on the planet occasionally suffer from insomnia? Given the crazy pace of the modern life and the informational over-saturation, it is not surprising. However, taking pills...

Everyday Habits That Harm Your Health

We are used to doing many things automatically. We wake up and go to work, doing usual things without even thinking about what we do and how we do it. However, there are some...

Surprising Myths & Truth about Washing Your Hands

What ideas about washing hands do scientists refute, and which of them do they recommend following religiously? Antibacterial soap is more effective than plain soap If to believe advertisements, antibacterial soap destroys thousands of thousands of...

Heart Disease Prevention in Women: When to Start?

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease can begin to take shape as early as adolescence. This is stated in the recommendations of the American Heart Association. However, as shown by a survey carried out by the...