9 Ways to Cool Burning Mouth after Eating Spicy Food

Let's say you have underestimated the spices in the sauce, which is why there is a real fire in your mouth. There are several products that can help to quickly cope with the unbearable...

4 Ways of Kicking the Sugar Habit

You eat about half a cup of sugar a day. This is three times more than normal. Leading experts advise on healthy eating, which will help reduce the amount of sugar in the menu. Americans...

Best Foods to Eat after 40

A number of nutritionists are convinced that with age people need to adjust their diet. According to experts, since the body decreases energy consumption and increases the risk of exposure to disease, after the...

6 Questions for Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease

American doctors have developed a simple test consisting of just six questions by which you can determine whether a person faces the risk of developing dementia. The earlier this terrible disease is discovered, the...

What Causes Myopia?

Statistics show that the extent of myopia (nearsightedness) is approaching an epidemic. Some scientists believe they have found an explanation for this. In their opinion, the cause of myopia is the lack of daylight. Myopia...

3 Flatulence Treatment Tips

The people suffering from flatulence and bloating experience not only physical but also psychological torture, especially if they have to work in a close team or in an enclosed space. Here are the three...

9 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Even if you do not suffer from chronic insomnia, you still may have troubled sleeping from time to time. Here are 9 recipes of falling asleep quickly as prompted by the US experts. 1. Relaxation A...

Countries with the Healthiest Diets

The experts from the University of Cambridge have named the countries where the locals eat healthy food. It was found that the most useful products are preferred by the people from the poorest countries....

5 Foods Causing Cancer

Human health depends on the food that we consume. Here are 5 of the foods, which often cause cancer. 1. Highly processed flour products After the intensive processing of wheat, flour not only loses almost all...

9 Heart Disease Symptoms

Heart disease continues to be the main cause of death in developed countries, so it is very important for people to remember its symptoms. However, sometimes these symptoms are not severe; they may also...