Healthy Foods Which Are in Reality Unhealthy

When newspapers, magazines and television put tons of tips in our ears, we can find a thousand and one blog about healthy eating in the Internet. We strongly believe everything that is sold in...

HGH Functions in the Human Body

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) continues to stir up the interest that is perfectly justified by its potential – and though the controversy and certain reticence on the part of some medical authorities over hgh-related...

Table Salt vs. Sea Salt

Many people believe that sea salt is superior to regular table salt. But is it possible that the producers of the expensive varieties of salt, which supposedly contains more minerals, just pull the wool...

10 Weird Symptoms of Deadly Diseases

Modern medicine has reached fantastic heights, but much knowledge about human body functioning still remains a mystery. Literally every year people are faced with the new diseases they did not even know before. In...

Hemorrhoids Symptoms & Treatment

According to official figures, up to 10-15% of the adult population suffer from hemorrhoids. According to statistics, men tend to suffer from it more, but women seek medical help more often, probably because they...

Why Do My Joints Snap?

Many people's joints snap and crack, but everyone has their own opinion on this matter: some think that cracking knuckles and neck is harmful, while others think it is a feature of the body...

6 Symptoms Men Should Not Ignore

Men are known for their skeptical attitude to doctors. However, there are certain symptoms, which in any case should not be ignored. Excessive or loud snoring It is often considered a sign of extreme fatigue or...

Things to Know about Skin Cancer

Everything is in blossom, and it is still pleasant to spend time outdoors until the heat has come. Now you are probably thinking about increasing your walking time to get more vitamin D. But...

5 Myths about Beer’s Health Benefits

Some believe that beer is not so bad for your health and drink it almost every day. However, is it really so? Here are 5 myths about beer’s benefits: 1. Beer is a useful weak...

5 Most Common Reasons for Backache

Back problems appear imperceptibly and at the most inappropriate time. The blame is our typical mistakes that almost everyone makes. We have collected the most common habits that cause pain and prevent your back...