World’s Smallest Eyeglasses Glens

According to the results of a research, a modern person spends about 3.5 months a year in front of a computer monitor or a television screen. And if you take into account a small...

Madison Patch That Heals with Electric Pulse

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have presented Madison, a new wound patch that cures injuries with the help of electric impulses generated by human movements. The invention significantly reduces healing time. According to...

Early Stages of Alzheimer’s to Be Diagnosed by a Retina Analysis

It sounds like a science fiction movie: an eye scan will provide information about your brain and, quite possibly, predict your future. But according to two new studies, this may become a reality in...

Liquid Silk to Substitute Skin Glue & Stitches

As you know, when stitching wounds, the surgeon uses a standard set of tools: a thread with a needle, medical glue, and staples. There is nothing superfluous. All tools have earned credibility and trust,...

Implantable ReMix Health Monitors

Diagnosing diseases is not always an effective and painless procedure (think about swallowing the endoscopic probe!). Specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offer the use of modern technology to determine the state...

Scientists Find a New Micro-Organ in the Human Immune System

Despite the long study of the human body, it still keeps secrets from us. Australian scientists have even found a whole organ in the immune system. It has long been known that the people who...

Interesting Facts about Endoscopes

Endoscopes are commonly utilized to diagnose various conditions ranging from ulcers to internal bleeding, and even several breathing disorders. One of the most amazing benefits ensured by this type of device is that it...

Xiao Yi Medical Doctor Robot from China

This news may upset the people who have chosen a medical job. In China, a robot has successfully passed the state exam for a doctor's license for the first time ever. Soon, it will...

Perfect drug for treating cavities and building up teeth

Scientists have discovered a new application for a drug for Alzheimer’s disease – in the sphere of dentistry, where it seems to be able to work wonders! When a drug that was used to alleviate...

World’s First Portable Ultrasound Gadget Butterfly iQ

Ultrasound scanning was invented long ago. Nowadays, when even children have smartphones in their pockets, this technology is going to reach a new stage of its logical development. It is about to become an...