Dry Drowning & Secondary Drowning Causes & Treatment

Almost no one knows about the phenomenon of the so-called "dry drowning". However, for many people it is really dangerous. And especially for those who go to the seaside for a vacation. "Dry drowning" is...

Obesity Is Caused by Viruses

Viruses that live around us and within us are capable of many things. They cause not only colds and flu. They also lead to encephalitis, hepatitis, AIDS, and many more diseases. Each year, virologists...

Dyspnea Is a Sign of Old Lady Heart Syndrome

Do not ignore chronic dyspnea because it can be a symptom of the so-called old lady heart syndrome. This is a newly discovered variant of heart failure, which is, unfortunately, often overlooked and misdiagnosed. A...

Snoring Is a Dementia Symptom

If your partner has begun to snore loud at night, this may be a sign of advancing dementia. Such a frightening conclusion was made by the scientists from New York University. Loud snoring at night...

Face Surgery Deforms Your Brain

A long-term study of neuroscientists at the University of California has revealed that overreliance on plastic surgery of the face can cause deformation of the human brain and lead to nervous breakdowns. The reason...

5 Diseases More and More Young People Suffer from

Medical statistics show the diseases the older generation previously used to suffer from have been increasingly diagnosed in younger patients in recent years. WHO experts have compiled a list of "age" diseases, disseminated among...

Loneliness Epidemic

The study conducted by the staff of Brigham Young University found that loneliness, as a social phenomenon, is experiencing significant growth - more people feel lonely, despite the conditions of life and environment. According...

New HIV Vaccine

American scientists have come close to creating the most powerful HIV vaccine. Experiments on monkeys have shown that the drug can protect animals from four times the dose of the virus. Created on the protein...

Men Taking Selfies Mentally Ill

Selfies became part of a subculture uniting gadget owners – nowadays, everyone is taking pictures of themselves. However, it turned out that the men who like taking and posting selfies may be suffering from...

30-Minute Sleep Deprivation Harms Your Health

Science has received evidence that even a seemingly minor half-hour lack of sleep can cause problems in the body that lead to the development of serious diseases. It was found that 30-minute lack of...