Energy Drinks Make Your Tired

Experts have come to a paradoxical conclusion that popular energy drinks, in fact, make us more tired because of iron deficiency caused by energy drinks. According to The Health Food Manufacturers' Association (HFMA), caffeine, which...

Doctors Testing New Shocking Way of Saving Patients’ Lives

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center start testing a new technique of saving lives. This will concern critical patients who received dangerous injuries that may be incompatible with life. In fact, doctors...

10 Diseases Cannabis Treats

The word "marijuana" or "cannabis" evokes only one association in the brain, related to drug abuse and smoking. It's a drug and therefore an anti-social product, not worthy of talking about. But above all,...

Snoring Is a Dementia Symptom

If your partner has begun to snore loud at night, this may be a sign of advancing dementia. Such a frightening conclusion was made by the scientists from New York University. Loud snoring at night...

8 Shocking Facts about Your Mouth

The mouth is an exceptional part of the human body. Speech, meals, sense of taste, and many other functions are connected with the mouth. In this review we will focus on the little-known facts...

Detecting Cancer Cells Has Become Easier

Specialists from the University of Michigan proposed a new technique for illuminating the tumor during oncology operations. Greater accuracy of surgical intervention facilitates the work of physicians and increases the patient's chances of recovery. The...

Wine Protects Menopause Aged Women from Osteoporosis

Alcoholic drinks on the early stages of menopause may be useful for women – if the alcohol is used in small quantities, of course. In this case, it can withstand the lowering density of the...

Bilingual Brains More Efficient

The brain of the people who speak two languages works more efficiently. This conclusion was made by the American scientists from Northwestern University and the University of Houston. American researchers have found that bilingual people...

This Robotic 3D-Bioprinter Heals Gastric Wounds from the Inside

Chinese scientists have created a prototype of a device, which is capable of revolutionizing the treatment of human’s internal organs diseases. The new concept has been tested in the healing of gastric wounds from...

Texas Bacteria to Become the Next Global Epidemic?

Scientists have discovered a microorganism in Texas that is capable of spreading over long distances. Today, there is no vaccine against the bacterium, so its spread can lead to epidemic in the world. So...