Surgeons Remove 24 Inch Blood Clot from a Man’s Body

The doctors from the clinic at the University of California at Los Angeles have got an unusual patient. Todd Dunlap had a blood clot that had grown substantially over almost the entire length of...

A Revolutionary Cancer Remedy Created

The scientists from Australia made a strong statement that they have created a revolutionary cancer remedy. According to them, the drug works against all types of cancer. The scientists have tried about 25,000 options of...

How to Select the Right Locum Tenens Staffing Agency

If you’re looking for the opportunity to work in locum tenens as a doctor or an advanced medical practitioner, you’re in luck because there’s a wealth of different choices available to you. Staffing firms...

30-Minute Sleep Deprivation Harms Your Health

Science has received evidence that even a seemingly minor half-hour lack of sleep can cause problems in the body that lead to the development of serious diseases. It was found that 30-minute lack of...

Detecting Cancer Cells Has Become Easier

Specialists from the University of Michigan proposed a new technique for illuminating the tumor during oncology operations. Greater accuracy of surgical intervention facilitates the work of physicians and increases the patient's chances of recovery. The...

Remote Brain Surgery Made Possible

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is creating a useful new device for neurosurgeons. In fact, this is a robotic arm with a magnet on the wrist, controlled from a special joystick. Using a magnet, the surgeon controls...

Sleep Rids the Brain of Toxins

During sleep, the brain is cleared of toxins accumulated as a result of mental processes during the day. U.S. scientists believe that this mechanism is one of the main causes for sleep, as reported...

Australian Doctors Bring Dead Woman Back to Life

The heart of a 41-year-old resident of the state of Victoria stopped beating for 42 minutes. Vanessa Tanasio suffered two heart attacks, one at home and the second at hospital. Despite the fact that...

Dementia Vaccine Is Being Clinically Tested

The development of humanity follows the path of continuous increase in life expectancy, however, one of the most formidable problems of older people remains relevant - the development of senile dementia, as well as...

How to Detect Lung Cancer at Early Stages?

American scientists from the famous Mayo Clinic have identified a specific protein, which is a biomarker of lung cancer. With it, you can detect the disease at its earliest stages. Lung cancer, which has...