Mini-Lab on Your Skin Controls Glucose and Alcohol Levels

The University of California, namely the Center for Wearable Sensors, has developed a sensor that can continuously and non-invasively monitor the levels of glucose,...

Health Tips


The Top Three Easy Things You Can Do for Healthy, Wrinkle-Free...

Everyone knows one or two 'tricks and tips' to have healthier skin. For instance, most of us have a regular skincare routine, where we...

Top Signs It Is Time to Change Your Skincare Products

 It's nice to have a regular skincare regimen, but if your skin fails to show have visible changes after all your hard work, whether...

Signs That You Should Consider Getting a Botox Injection

At this time, there’s no more shame in getting a Botox injection. Everyone is doing it. If you think it’s worth trying, you should...

Weight Loss

How to Jumpstart a Healthy Lifestyle

The choices that you make every day will influence whether you're able to maintain your vitality with age or end up developing debilitating conditions...

Electrified ePatch Helps Wound Healing

Scientists at the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation have created an electronic patch that can speed up wound healing. The novelty is designed to...

Early Symptoms of Liver Problems

The liver is the most complex organ of external secretion, having the highest temperature (about 39 degrees) and working as a huge chemical laboratory,...